The IRSE seeks to collaborate with other organisations where we share common objectives and areas of interest. You may be interested to know that we currently have formal collaboration agreements with:
The Institution of Engineers Singapore: This agreement was signed in November 2017, with the aims that the IRSE and IES should work together on activities and events of common interest in order to support continuing professional development, IRSE Licensing in Singapore, the production of publications in the fields of train control and communications. We will also explore the practicalities of mutual recognition of membership and professional registration.
IEEE: An agreement between the IRSE and the UK & Ireland Section of the IEEE signed an agreement in December 2017, with the aims that the IRSE and IEEE should work together on activities and events of common interest in order to support continuing professional development, the production of publications in the fields of train control and communications​, and the development of IEEE standards within those fields.
More generally, the IRSE in many parts of the world works in partnership with other professional organisations with interests in the rail sector. These include other professional engineering organisations (in the UK this happens both through the UK Engineering Council and the Railway Engineering Forum, for example), and academic establishments such as universities.