IRSE engage
  1. Licensing
  2. Membership & Registration
  3. Qualifications & CPD
  4. Publications & Resources
  5. Get Involved
  6. News
  7. About
  1. Licensing
  2. Membership & Registration
  3. Qualifications & CPD
  4. Publications & Resources
  5. Get Involved
  6. News
  7. About

IRSE engage

Creating engaging online content for our members

Getting started

Currently, we are reaching out to speakers from events cancelled due to the restrictions put in place to mitigate the COVID-19 / Coronavirus pandemic. If you are a speaker who has been unable to present, we are keen to hear from you and to help ensure that your expert knowledge still reaches our member audience. 

We are also developing a framework for wider participation across our membership — for those who would like to share insights and knowledge from their own areas of expertise. We will update this page as things develop.

We have prepared basic guidelines on creating content using equipment many of you will already have at home which are available here.

To get involved, contact in the first instance.

IRSE Engage Showcase

Use the controls at the upper left of the player window below to browse this playlist of content created by members during the lockdown.