Council elections 2025
We have asked MiVoice Election Services to run the IRSE election process again this year. Fully paid up IRSE members in the following categories are eligible to vote: AMIRSE, MIRSE and FIRSE.
Elections in 2025 are for the following constituencies, in the category of:
- Fellow (UK*): 2 vacancies
- Fellow (AHIN**): 1 vacancy (uncontested seat as only one nomination received)
- Fellow (Rest of World***): 1 vacancy
- Member (UK*): 1 vacancy (uncontested seat as only one nomination received)
- Member (Rest of the World***): 1 vacancy
- Associate Member (Rest of the World***): 1 vacancy (uncontested seat as only one nomination received)
* UK is the constituency for members who live/work in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland **AHIN is the constituency for members who live/work in Australasia, Hong Kong, India or Netherlands sections *** Rest of World is the constituency for members who live/work elsewhere (not in UK and AHIN)
Information about each of the candidates for the above constituencies can be found below: