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Course Information

IRSE certified training courses

The following courses have been certified by the IRSE's Education and Professional Development Committee in compliance with the process for certification of training courses provided by external parties.

Individuals and organisations considering making use of these courses are advised to read the process to understand the scope and limitations of the certification.


Courses provided by ETOE Rail Village

The following course provided by ETOE Rail Village is certified:

  • Basic course on fundamentals of railway signalling (renewal date 1 June 2026) 
Courses provided by Intellex Consulting Services

The following course provided by Intellex Consulting Services is certified:

  • Advanced course on RAMS, systems engineering and assurance (renewal date 1 June 2026)
Courses provided by Nippon Koei Mobility (formally ASAP Mobility Sdn Bhd)

The following course provided by Nippon Koei Mobility has been certified:

  • Executive training program on railway RAMS (renewal date 1 June 2026)
Courses provided by PM Training & Assessment Ltd

The following course provided by PM Training & Assessment Ltd has been certified:

  • Signalling installation knowledge (renewal date 1 November 2028)
Courses provided by RT Infrastructure Services (RT-IS)

The following course provided by RT Infrastructure Services (RT-IS) has been certified:

  • Signaller Installers Course (SIC) Level 3 (renewal date 1 October 2029)
Courses provided by Wray Castle

The following Wray Castle courses are certified -

  • FRMCS overview (renewal date 9 December 2029)
  • FRMCS engineering (renewal date 9 December 2029)
  • GSM-R Engineering Overview (renewal date 9 December 2029)
  • ERTMS / ETCS for Radio Engineers (renewal date 9 December 2029)

Other training workshops and courses exist within the railway control and communications fields, including:


IRSE / IET course in Railway Signalling and Control Systems course

The IET/IRSE Railway Signalling and Control Systems (RSCS) is a four day training course delivered by expert lecturers, many of them IRSE members, who have worked on railway systems around the world. This course is delivered every two years, and it features a programme which has been developed by a technical committee.

The programme aims to provide attendees with the most up-to-date contemporary training on signalling and control systems, and is suitable for people who want to understand the basics of signalling, as well as for those wanting to learn about current developments. It contains material relevant to both national rail networks and metros.

This course addresses both signalling and signalling control systems as well as their associated sub-systems, together with the major system and sub-system interfaces.

Covering the principal aspects in depth, the course makes an ideal start for anyone moving into train control engineering, both for graduate engineers and more experienced engineers looking to add to their knowledge base.

  • Learn about the building blocks of signalling fundamentals, modern systems of today and plans for the future in a structured way
  • Take part in a course specifically tailored to those who are new to train control engineering
  • Hear from acknowledged experts – the course speakers are all leading professionals in their subjects
  • Technical – and social – visit included within the cost of attendance aimed at enhancing your knowledge of the area – and providing an informal networking environment

These courses are run by the IET (with discounts for IRSE members) - please contact the IET for details -

IRSE Minor Railways Section S&T maintenance workshops

The IRSE Minor Railways Section runs annual workshops on the maintenance of S&T equipment for those volunteering or working on minor and heritage railways. 

Details will be announced on the IRSE events page.

IRSE Younger Members' Section professional exam revision sessions

The IRSE Younger Members' Section run workshops and revision sessions for those sitting the IRSE professional exam and for those who are interested in the subject matter. 

Details will be announced on the IRSE events page.

Many of these are also available to view on our Vimeo study channel free of charge

University of Birmingham / University of York Railway Safety and Control Systems MSc / PGDip / PGCert

The University of Birmingham (UK) and University of York (UK) jointly offer an MSc / Diploma / Certificate in Railway Safety and Control Systems, starting in September each year.

The three pathways of this programme focus on risk and safety systems design; risk and safety systems operation; and communication and control systems (including signalling). The last of these is closely aligned with the syllabus of our professional exam, and offers a qualification which is being assess to the equivalence to taking part or all of the exam. The course includes systems engineering and theory and practice in railway control systems.

The programme is available to study to PG Certificate, PG Diploma (all taught modules) and the full MSc, which includes a research project. This project may be taken at the University of Birmingham, University of York, or in industry, subject to appropriate academic co-supervision. Distance-learning students attend Birmingham only for the taught elements. The part-time and distance-learning modes usually take 2-3 years to complete the full MSc. Individual modules may be also taken for continuous professional development.

For more information and to enquire about places available, visit