IRSE - Institution of Railway Signal Engineers > Membership > Membership Options > Associate Member (AMIRSE)
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  1. Licensing
  2. Membership & Registration
  3. Qualifications & CPD
  4. Publications & Resources
  5. Get Involved
  6. News
  7. About

Associate Member (AMIRSE)

Associate Member (AMIRSE)

The grade of Associate Member (AMIRSE) is typically available to those who are working at 'Responsible Experience' level and have had approximately 3 years practical training/experience and either:

Hold a primary engineering or technical qualification


Have passed the Advanced Diploma in Railway Control Engineering (IRSE Professional Exam) 


Have approximately 5-8 years of professional development AND either - Hold an appropriate IRSE licenses or Have passed Module A of the IRSE Exam (Certificate in Railway Control Engineering Fundamentals or Can demonstrate significant technical experience at 'Responsible Experience' level (typically 7 years).

Responsible Experience

A ‘Responsible’ position is one entailing the exercise of professional engineering judgement in the field of railway signalling or telecommunications. This may include any of the following areas of work:

• Research, feasibility studies and options evaluation
• System, hardware or software development and manufacture
• Applications engineering and/or data preparation
• Verification, validation, testing or conformance assessment
• Installation and commissioning
• Maintenance and servicing
• Definition and interpretation of standards, rules and regulations.
A person in a ‘Responsible’ position is typically making decisions about an individual deliverable, such as a document, a design or a test

Apply for membership
To apply for, or to transfer to, the grade of Associate Member please complete the application form in the link below.
Annual membership - £143.50 (standard) or £116.85 (e-membership)